The adventure begins before you even strap in!

Kashmir is the crown of the Indian subcontinent, which is as beautiful as it is complex. Geographically it sits in the Western most end of the Greater Himalayan Range between India, Pakistan, China and Afghanistan. The majestic location and the historically dense culture of the region combine to treat intrepid shredders to unique experiences and unforgettable memories. The flight from Mumbai or Delhi is breathtaking in the right conditions; landing you in the capital of Kashmir: Srinagar. 

The bus stand in Tangmarg,  last stop before you climb the road to Gulmarg.

The largest city in Jammu and Kashmir is situated at an elevation of 1593m and is enclosed by the surrounding Pir Pinjal Mountains. Once on the ground your senses will be inundated with the hustle and bustle of the traffic and amazing architecture that mixes Buddhist and Islamic influences with the practice of local artisans. Upon arrival,  your Di5 driver will whisk you past street vendors and through the colour of local markets, out of the city and along the 52km towards Gulmarg. On a clear day you will be able to see Mt Apharwat from the highway The last section of the road is a switch-back climb through the forest, which keeps the anticipation growing and builds more mystery before your arrival in the village itself.  

Mighty Mt. Affarwat at sunset from the Srinagar-Gulmarg road