Hotel Khaleel Palace

With a prominent position on the western side of Gulmarg, this hotel is a stone’s throw away from the gondola. A grand wooden facade on the outside; makes way for a more traditional Kashmiri decor indoors. Numerous curiosities adorn the walls and corridors of the hotel. Khaleel has space in abundance, a great lobby to relax in, a large dining area with an extensive menu and great sized rooms. The staff are consummate professionals but down to earth enough to crack a smile and have a laugh. In the heart of the more popular side of town you are never short of things to do of an eve. Whether that be nipping over to one of the other hotels bars for a little apres or an avalanche talk; the choice is yours. With a short walk home and a short ride to the gondy it’d be rude not to.

I arrived in Gulmarg in the evening.......... and was immediately warmed by the hospitable reception from the locals.
— Kate Richards, Australia